Some of the reviews on for The Space Between Dark and Light and I Call Myself Earth Girl
The Space Between Dark and Light ~
5.0 out of 5 stars Riveting, Thought-Provoking and Compelling! Don’t miss this reading opportunity!
Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2023
Exquisitely written, captivating characters, mystical at times, set in both the future and the present, hair-raising, hopeful, and filled with truth and fiction and all the blurred lines in-between. The author had me completely in the palm of her hands. I fell in love with Jan Krause Greene’s multiple stories weaving its turns and twists. Keeping me guessing. “The Space Between Dark and Light” is THE story of our times in terms of climate change and human choices. We have a choice to save the earth, or not. We are doing magnificent action steps to save it, and we are also doing horrific action steps to destroy it. Which actions will win? This book has all the mystery, intrigue, hopelessness, hopefulness, and unlimited possibilities one could ever ask for, and this journey is not to be missed.
Edith Kiefer
5.0 out of 5 stars Thought provoking page turner!
Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2023
The "Space" grabbed me from the very beginning. The two story lines kept me guessing about what would happen next and wondering about how they come together. The plot had surprising twists that I enjoyed. But the thing that struck me the most is the way it generates a very satisfying alternative to thoughts of the afterlife and at the same time gives a vivid, nightmarish look at the future effects of global warming. This story has the power to change minds and influence behavior for the benefit of the planet.
Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2023
I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it!! Great character development. Kept me totally involved and excited to keep turning the pages.
5.0 out of 5 stars A gripping novel that is both chilling and hopeful
Reviewed in the United States on April 30, 2023
An imaginative and talented author, Jan Krause Greene has created a set of memorable characters and placed them in contrasting settings, both dark and light, in present and future times. She presents alternative futures based on the choices we can make now to save our fragile and beautiful plant. All the while she tells an entertaining tale that will keep readers interested and have them guessing about where the plot with take them next on their unpredictable journey into the minds and worlds of characters they will want to survive and heal.
5.0 out of 5 stars Captivating Read Through The Entire Book!
Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2023
The author did an excellent job merging 2 stories into 1 exciting plot! There were multiple "AHA" moments which kept me engaged throughout the entire novel. The Author inspired me to think about global warming and how we can all make small efforts to impact our future generations
I Call Myself Earth Girl ~
To see more, please go HERE
By Book Joy
A book that really makes think!
Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2019
This book pulled me in from the first page. There is a supernatural/spiritual dimension to this story that is engaging and believable. I interpreted this book to be about the dismissal of spiritual/extra-worldly wisdom by conventional knowledge, even if such a dismissal were to lead to tragic consequences--but I could be taking liberties with the author's agenda. You must read the story for yourself to see what you take away from it.
This is more than just a story, though. It is a wake-up call. It is a work of passion, a plea to pay attention--to our inner selves, to each other, to our politics, to our world. If you like books that push you to grow and expand, this is certainly one to check out.
By Judy Lyles
A book that not only makes you feel but makes you think
Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2017
this is a book that gets you caring about the characters without a doubt. However, it also forces you to think about some serious issues in our world. It's not okay to just exist, we all need to matter. Jan does a great job of bringing this point home. Can't wait to read the sequel!!!!
By Tassy on April 1, 2014
I Call Myself Earth Girl by Jan Krause Greene is a monument to writing at its best. This reader was simply blown away by the author's skill at hooking the reader right off page one and not letting go for an instant. This is one powerhouse of a read and is especially worthy as its many messages of hope, faith and love shine through every page that dares to overcome the reader with fear, doubt and pain...
This wonderful book explores what we are and what we may become if we put our minds to it. Inner peace is within our grasp and this reader found it in this mystical book.
This is a FIVE STAR novel full of spiritual mysticism wrapped neatly in a thrilling mystery. Highly recommended.
By Carrie F. Shepherd on February 20, 2014
WOW. That's the first thing I'm going to say about this book. Beyond that, I'm pretty much speechless...
I'd love to go into the details of the story but to do so would rob future readers of the incredible journey that Jan Krause Greene has taken me on. Therefore, I'll leave it to Ms. Krause Greene to take you down that road...
Note: This book was given to me by Ms. Krause Greene in exchange for a review on my blog. However, this in no way changes or influences my opinion about this book. Run, don't walk, to your local book store for this one.
By Jeremy K on December 11, 2013
I was very surprised by this book. I was intrigued by the cover, but I didn't know what to expect. What I got was a great read. This story combines family life, supernatural messages, and concern for the environment. It kept me reading and left me feeling inspired to take care of the earth. Although some of it is very bleak, the overall message is one of love and hope. The author does a good job of making the point that the quality of life in the future depends on those of us who are living now.
By Seattle on December 5, 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
... For all the threatening themes she develops in I Call Myself Earth Girl, the overall message is one of hope and even inspiration. The story itself is riveting and complex, woven on a non-traditional matrix of space, time and spirituality that engages readers and keeps them guessing.
Quantum physics inspired philosophical fiction novel.
By Jaguar Heart on November 17, 2013
The book encapsulates a story about time space reality interwoven with themes of environmental consciousness. Intricate character development that left me wanting more! Looking forward to the next book!
By Splitends on November 4, 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Well developed characters and a suspenseful plot will hold the reader's attention from start to finish. "I Call Myself Earth Girl" entertains at the same time that it challenges one to consider the responsibility we all have to care for our small planet and all who inhabit it.
A highly original and completely engaging tale
By M.C. Morison on September 27, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
... Jan Krause Greene, in her debut novel, explores an entirely original story line...
Ms. Krause Green has a wonderful ear for dialogue and takes us on a journey into the heart and soul of a family facing the unexpected. It is a joy to come across a story that is so deeply engaging and truly unique.
By daniellescruton on August 20, 2013
Clear, clever, ethereal writing that draws you in from the very first page. I Call Myself Earth Girl is a powerful novel I found difficult to put down.
The plot is full of surprises, the pace is quick and the message is deep. This book and its characters will stay with you long after you've finished. I am, as others have stated, hopeful for a sequel.
By William T. Hathaway on August 20, 2013
She's 46. She just found out she's three months pregnant. Her husband has been away, and she hasn't had sex in six months. Who or what is the father? And how is she going to explain this to her husband? No wonder Gloria Geist is bewildered and frightened.
Could her pregnancy have anything to do with a recurrent nightmare she's been having? Or is it not a dream but a past-life memory ... or a telepathic communication?...
The surprising answer emerges out of the twists and turns of a well-structured plot that leaves the characters, the world, and the reader much changed. In fact, these lines of William Butler Yeats sum up the book: "All changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born."
The novel blends ecology, mystic wisdom, and the many facets of family love into a satisfying whole. Jan Krause Green is very good at developing and resolving conflicts among her characters, and she has a gift for making the bizarre believable. I Call Myself Earth Girl is her first novel, but it begs for a sequel.
By Roberta H on August 12, 2013
What a powerful book this is! It travels between the present day to dreams from another time, all the while keeping the reader mesmerized. The characters are rich and believable, living with daily joys and struggles. On one level it is a work of fiction, on another an environmental plea and warning of the perils Mother Earth may face. The surprising ending will have you hoping for a sequel. Congratulations to Jan Krause Green for a profound first novel. I look forward to her future books.
Higher Consciousness Meets Fiction
By piedpiper on November 11, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This was an easy read and it left me wanting more. Complete with cliffhanger and perfectly positioned for a sequel, it also contains a timely message that is relevant for all humankind. I've never read anything with this kind of storyline. It's full of heart and it's a great debut story. Pick up or download a copy today.
I wasn’t expecting to like this as much as I did
ByLilly7716on March 4, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I wasn’t expecting to like this as much as I did. The idea of reincarnation and a baby born out of a dream just didn’t seem like something I would enjoy. I was wrong - the story is compelling and not easy to put down. Ms. Greene has given us a beautifully written book that carries messages that are dear to my heart. Her method of bringing these subjects to light will reach many. It is a thought-provoking book that left me pondering long after the last sentence.
Great read that will have you reflect on life as we live it.
By Mom of 2 on August 9, 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Just finished reading I Call Myself Earth Girl. Wow! Can't remember last time I read a book so quickly, because I didn't want to put it down yet at the same time wanted to slow down to absorb the message. Not only did I enjoy it,I was mesmerized by the characters, and will continue to reflect on the message.
For more reviews, please find the book on
Michelle Frost really liked it
I Call Myself Earth Girl hides a deep message within an easy to read story. It's written alternating the story between the "here and now" life of Gloria and the very different life of Earth Girl. Is Earth Girl merely a vivid dream or something more? Well... you'll have to read and decide for yourself! The storyline is clever and has some interesting twists. The main characters are fleshed out nicely and the dialogue is excellent, but I did find some of the descriptive portions a bit rushed.. ...a well-crafted plot and, all in all, a good thought-provoking read.
Marieke Mariele
I call myself earth girl' is on a level all of its own. Throwing the reader into a parallel universe where she exists, and at the same time, finding her all around us, for those that want to open their hearts to find her. 'I call myself Earth Girl' is a beautiful read with a remarkable story that seems too real not to be true. 'Earth Girl' has a million messages, but the one message you will take home into your heart, is that her story is our story, and the future is in our hands. ' I call myself earth girl' allows us to tap into our true potential and become who we came here to be - A shining light- has been lit at my core and the fire is burning to do more and be more and for this message, i am eternally grateful to the author Jan Krause Green for sharing her beautiful story with us
“Myths are those truths that can only be told in stories.” * I Call Myself Earth Girl is a compelling myth for the 21st century. Not every reader will be able to make the leap of faith it takes to accept Gloria's life circumstance, but those who can will discover richness and challenge in their own lives revealed by "Earth Girl." Thank you, Jan Krause Greene.
* Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
More reviews can be found on Goodreads,, and reader blogs.